

Pikachu sure has changed a lot since I was drawing him back in 1999. Namely he has a neck and clear limbs now. Which is odd, but oh well art styles evolve much like pokemon themselves I suppose.

The story behind this is for a story board story (wow, how many times can I say story in a sentence?) where we had to pick an already exsisting character so we can story board them finding an object, being interested in the object then using that object and failing. Since human characters are tricky and it’d take far too long to pick my favorite character from the mountains of them I have from all the animated media I’ve watched, I just settled for the most recognizable, but my least favorite pokemon, Pikachu. I chose him under the impression, since I spent too much of my math lessons drawing him I’d be a piece of cake…until I figured out the pikachu I’d learnt to draw was over a decade out of date and had to relearn to draw that yellow rodent all over again.